Our Team

Photo of Alex Hennemann

Alex Hennemann

Founder and President

Our Founder and President Alex Hennemann has a degree in Electronic Engineering and a MsC in Computer Science. Alex started his career in the aerospace industry moving later to telecommunications, working for large global corporations. Alex worked in many different capacities as software development, project management, services operations and engineering and sales. Transition to the financial services was strait forward. Solutions built today are similar to the Managed Services Alex worked on. Every endeavor and project has its own risks that have to be assessed and managed.

Having worked in 20+ countries, mostly in consultative engagements, it became clear everyone has goals and needs that are unique to their situation.  Through education on different strategies, financial solutions and its potential risks- we design a strategy that works best for you now and in the future.

Before moving to the US from Brazil in 2009, Alex lived in France and England. Alex speaks English, Portuguese, Spanish and French. Volleyball is a passion: Alex played for his school, club, city, college and state.

Happily married for over 30 years, they built a beautiful family. Having twins made it planning for cash flow a must.


The Advanced Planning Group

The Advanced Planning Group of New York Life Insurance Company collectively leverages years of practical experience and background in law, accounting, and financial services, in order to provide New York Life agents with unparalleled assistance in estate, trust, business, and life insurance strategies. Because the Advanced Planning Group supports agents who have a nationwide clientele, the group has insight consulting on estate and business plans at all levels of wealth across all 50 states. The Advanced Planning Group is called to action to advise on hundreds of business and estate plans each year; and that means Beyond Frontiers can bring experience, value, and insight to your situation. The Advanced Planning Group does not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice. Consult with your own advisors for legal, tax and accounting advice.

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